Friday, February 27, 2009

Meeting Auntie Missie and Crazy Texas Weather

Jenna is growing up and changing so fast! She is really starting to become aware of her surroundings and has taken quite an interest in her reflection. She has also grown out of her newborn diapers and sleepers. Sniff, sniff.

What a pretty baby I am!

So, you ask... why is Jenna dressed for summer in February?
Well, that would be because of this crazy Texas weather! It was 85 degrees yesterday!

Jenna looking adorable in her new outfit from Mimi.
She sure has quite a wardrobe at only 7 1/2 weeks!

Auntie Missie (one of Mommy's best friends) had a layover at DFW on her way to Costa Rica. Jenna adored her! Uncle Aaron was flying on a different airline, so he'll get to meet Jenna next time! hint, hint!

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